Vitamin HB | Operational Beauty


By Huda Heidi Kattan

How often do we tell how ourselves how beautiful we are? I for one, am incredibly critical of myself.  In fact, I simply don’t believe it when people tell me I am beautiful or attractive. I am quite certain that many of the women who are regarded as the most beautiful in the world, feel the same. Why? Because we are way too hard on ourselves.  I love this new campaign called Operational Beauty, where you leave notes for women in random places like the bathroom, powder rooms, etc. with messages that say things like “Smile, you are beautiful”. I just think it’s adorable! Even if we don’t want to leave a note, I think it’s important to encourage each others confidence and let your BFF, sister, or colleague know, she’s beautiful, just the way she is!


image credits operationalbeautiful

5 Responses to “Vitamin HB | Operational Beauty”

  1. 1 Mai

    That’s so sweet…

    I think the reason why women are so hard on themselves is coz we wanna fit the description of what is considered as “beautiful”.. The media has played a major role in destructing so many gorgeous and unique women out there.. We just gotta rememeber to be strong enough to not submit to the lies they feed us..

    Awesome campaign!

  2. This is exactly what this world needs (one of the things anyway :p).
    Such a positive and fantastic idea. I salute everyone who participates!
    Thank you for sharing Huda!
    You always bring inspiration our way.

  3. 3 Lizzy

    Caitlin the creator of operation beautiful has done such a great job with this! You are so right Huda, that each day we should tell someone in our life how beautiful they are!

  4. 4 Alya

    Oh I love it!!! What a great idea!!!

  5. i didnt know about this but now that i do i will do this, especailly for my sister!

    thanks huda!

Tell me what you think Gorgeous?!