Vitamin HB | Beauty Secret of Latin Women


By Huda Heidi Kattan

No one seems to have the gorgeous skin tones that Latin American women have. Sure they spend a lot of time in the sun, but they also have interesting ways of making sure they stay bronzed and gorgeous! One of their most popular customs is drinking carrot juice every day, especially before they tan. Typically before they head to the beach, they drink carrot juice every day for two weeks.  Carrots are full of beta carotene and are great at encouraging gorgeous tans, not to mention super beautifying for your hair and skin.  I love Bolthouse carrot juice, which is actually made of 100% pure carrot juice and is found at most grocery stores world wide. Drink up–o your beauty!!



image credits vzone

2 Responses to “Vitamin HB | Beauty Secret of Latin Women”

  1. 1 Alya

    Amazing post!!! This is great!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  2. 2 Hend

    Love it, will try it too.. Thanks Huda xxx

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