Posts Tagged ‘body’

PRODUCT REVIEW | BODY By Huda Heidi Kattan I have always been SUCH a fan of Lush Cosmetics since it is one of the most natural cosmetic lines ever, but when I tried their It’s Raining Men Body Wash, I felt like I

PRODUCT REVIEW | HAIR & SKIN By Huda Heidi Kattan I know it’s really hard to throw together two categories like this, but I really just want to post all the products now so I can start doing some new reviews, since I really have some amazing things I want to share with you guys! […]

DAILY DOSE | SKIN By Huda Heidi Kattan While I was away in Cyprus this weekend one of the things I forgot to pack was a body scrub! I couldn’t believe I forgot a scrub, since I am HUGE on exfoliation, but I thought no problemo! I will just make one! Nearly everything I needed […]

PRODUCT REVIEW | HAIR By Huda Heidi Kattan Yes, yes, I know! Body Hair!! It sucks!! I’ve told you guys maaany times how much I “love” dealing with body hair especially since I am super hairy! I have to say, I’m not really one into cream hair removal, but after

PRODUCT REVIEW | SKIN By Huda Heidi Kattan I think we all know by now, that beauty can sometimes be an illusion! Our skin may look soft but feel awful! For me, I have SERIOUSLY dry skin and unless I take really good care of it, it is super dry and rough (and yes, I’ve […]

PRODUCT REVIEW | BODY By Huda Heidi Kattan Nothing beats skin that smells delicious naturally! And ok, using body washes that make your skin smell good, might not be natural, but it’s pretty amazing to NOT need perfume! This body wash rocks on so many levels! I love the way

DAILY DOSE | NAIL CARE By Huda Heidi Kattan What girl doesn’t love getting her nails done, but one of my worst pet peeves is horrible cuticles! Taking good care of your cuticles doesn’t have to be hard work! Sometimes just

DAILY DOSE | NATURAL TIP By Huda Heidi Kattan Skincare for body can be even more complicated then skincare on your face, why?? HAIR!! We don’t show it as often, so maybe we don’t give it as much love as it deserves! I wanted to share this amazing

DAILY DOSE | SKINCARE By Huda Heidi Kattan The other day while I was sitting with a super sweet friend of mine, she was complaining about body acne, more specifically BACKNE! We all know it sucks, but the scars it leaves behind are even worse! The best way to

PRODUCT REVIEW | SKIN By Huda Heidi Kattan Ok, I have a huge secret to confess! This might actually sound funny, but

PRODUCT REVIEW | SKINCARE By Huda Heidi Kattan I don’t think anything sucks as bad as stretch marks! Gaining weight from my pregnancy, yeah that was hard, but stretch marks—-the WORST! The hardest part is actually

DAILY DOSE | BEAUTY By Huda Heidi Kattan Ever have those situations when someone walks by and you wonder, how the heck do they smell soooo good? I personally love it when someone tells me I smell unbelievably good! Today, I was meeting with

DAILY DOSE | SKINCARE By Huda Heidi Kattan Natural recipes are obviously something that I love to do so much, but sometimes I feel they can get a little complicated! Today, I wanted to start my morning off with a scrub and instead of getting super fancy, I decided to use the basics!

BEAUTY BLABBER | PHOTOSHOP By Huda Heidi Kattan I think we all find it pretty disturbing when photoshop is used to create unrealistic images of women. Sometimes, it’s used just to hide a small blemish, or even skin tone. To be honest, when I saw these photos, I didn’t think it was a huge deal, […]

PRODUCT REVIEW | BODY By Huda Heidi Kattan I have to admit, when I first got this body scrub, I had mixed reviews! When I saw it in the store, I was blown away by it’s delicious fragrance–it’s literally one of those scrubs that you kinda wonder if it tastes as good as it smells! […]